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Aberdare Valley Pool

Terms and Conditions

1. Branding and Media
All logos, images, artwork, branding and wording are not linked or endorsed by the Aberdare Valley Pool League. These are the sole responsibility and are copyright of www.leaguestats.co.uk. Any similarities to any other copyright not owned by treherbert.com and its subsidiaries are unintentional and purely coincidental.
2. Intellectual Content
All opinions, statistics and data contained herein are neither confirmed nor unconfirmed by the Aberdare Valley Pool League or any its governing bodies. www.leaguestats.co.uk can not be held responsible for any data contained within as such data may not be deemed factually correct and should be treated as such.
3. Purchases
www.leaguestats.co.uk cannot be held responsible for any purchases made by visiting links or partners of this site, this includes the games section. The shop section is an exception to this rule as it contains www.leaguestats.co.uk media and artwork, therefore www.leaguestats.co.uk is responsible for any media printed on the products. However www.leaguestats.co.uk is not responsible for the item the design is printed on this responsibility lies solely with Spreadshirt.
4. Proceeds
www.leaguestats.co.uk is currently a free service provided to teams within the Aberdare Valley Pool League who wish to keep statistics on their team. However this service is not guaranteed to all teams due to the result of unbiased factors, due to the nature and standing of www.leaguestats.co.uk it may not be possible to hold every team due to economical situation. All proceeds generated from advertising and partners within www.leaguestats.co.uk go to maintaining this free service to the teams that wish to be included. This condition is subject to change if an official funding source or sponsor is found for www.leaguestats.co.uk.
5. Data Protection
www.leaguestats.co.uk holds the right to electronically save and process a low level of personal information on customers. All information is collected under observation of the law of the execution of the data protection act. Any personal information that could lead to fraud, misuse or any other misjustice will not be held by www.leaguestats.co.uk. This helps to provide a completely safe environment here are www.leaguestats.co.uk. No information held will be passed onto any other sources outside of the treherbert.com network. Any participant of an active team may have their name removed from the players list on request, this does not affect their statutory rights. www.leaguestats.co.uk cannot be held responsible for any names mentioned within messageboards, forums or any other public domains provided. We can however attempt to remove all instances on request if a suitable and justified reason is produced.
March 2006

Neil Hughes

   Provided by Treherbert.com